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Showing posts from April, 2023

Asking for Help: Remove the Stigma

  Asking for Help: Remove the Stigma   Welcome to What’s In the Middle! Today I want to delve into an issue that continues to plague a lot of people, myself included - the issue of help. Specifically, the issue of asking for help from others. Now, take me for instance, one of the reasons my relationship has suffered is because I am not someone who likes to ask for help. I have come to recognize that this is not just an issue with my boyfriend, but with pretty much everyone. I tried to take on everything myself, believing I could cope and didn’t need any help.   It was the balance of risk - the only person I could let down would be myself, so this felt like a risk worth taking. And the other issue, and this is more common, is that I believed it came across as some sort of a weakness to ask for help.   To me it was important to ensure I was dependent upon myself and nobody else. I was a strong and confident woman who relied on myself and nobody else. And that was that! This is due