Mediation Vs. Therapy: Do We Need To Change Our “Talk It Out” Mindset? Hello everyone, Welcome to what's in the middle. Today our little chatter is about therapy. This came up recently because my niece was asking me if I knew one, I was appreciative that she asked me however I asked her what made you think of me, she said well aunty I have heard everyone in LA has a therapist. I laughed out loud. I said well I am not sure everyone has a therapist but many people do. I decided to take her through a meditation class but she was not sold and still was insisting on seeing a therapist. It made me think about therapy, they are great and I have never stopped anyone going to one as we all have our reasons for attending but it raised a lot of questions. The first being, have we become over-reliant on hashing out our problems to others? I swiftly realized that the answer to this question can be found through the pushing of a remote button. Whole tv shows dedicated to b...
Lose the Fear of Starting Over and Boss Your Future Today! Twice in my life, I have had to start over. Reset. Go back to the beginning. And the third one is doubtless just around the corner. At the end of the day, there is no easy way to start over; sometimes, you just have to take the plunge. Nobody knows what the future holds. Who among us could have seen this global pandemic happening 12 months ago?! We never know what might happen just around the corner, so trying to plan and prepare for the future is essential. It doesn't matter whether it's the end of a career, relationship, property, or unhealthy lifestyle; we all experience changes and fresh starts in our lives. Starting over doesn't always go how you think it's going to, and in this new post for What's In the Middle? I will explore how you can overcome the fear of starting over and take charge of your life. I am listing a few examples of how I have had to start over again and again and how I have overcome...