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A Lightbulb Moment About Kindness

  So, I’ve just had some revelation about some people—not everyone, mind you, just a select few. Since I’m knee-deep in my therapist programme (only ten months to go—woohoo!), I’ve started viewing other people's problems through a completely different lens. I’ve found that despite my best efforts to preach kindness and self-care—like reminding everyone to cherish their elders and boost their relationships daily—some folks just don’t seem to get it. It’s baffling, really! No matter how often I shout, “Just be decent to one another!” they forget it all until disaster strikes. It’s like they only remember to be nice when the proverbial hits the fan—when someone’s kicked the bucket, they’ve lost a relationship, or life takes a turn for the worse. Suddenly, they have a moment of self-realisation, but give it a week, and they’re returning to their old ways! I mean, I get it. Life gets busy, and we all forget to balance things occasionally. But come on! Shouldn’t we always be kind and
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