Celebrities Endorsing Politicians: What’s Going On?
Okay, let's talk about it—celebrities endorsing politicians. What’s wrong with this picture? If some of them are hesitant to come out of the closet with their political views, maybe they know they're doing something wrong. I mean, come on! If you’re blessed with fame, a platform, a voice, money, status—you have a responsibility to act right in society.
Some people might say, "Well, they’re only human." Sure, you're human... but with millions of people looking up to you! Young girls, guys, men, women—they all follow your every move. So, let’s be real; you should be held to a higher standard.
Look at what’s happening in the world—people are being insulted just for where they come from or their accent. Is it suddenly okay to throw out horrible insults because of someone’s background? No! If you support a politician, stand by it; own it! Don’t fear that your paycheck might take a hit or you’ll lose some respect.
I think many celebrities are just so wrapped up in their own success that they don’t care what happens in the world. That’s fine if you want to live in your own bubble—but don’t waste the platform you’ve been given. So many middle-class folks are out here chasing after the opportunity to make a difference and would use that platform wisely. But you have it, and you’re not using it because it might affect your gains. What else could it be? Honestly, it baffles me.
Take Taylor Swift, for example—she's stepped up. But then I’m trying to think of a famous Trump supporter, and I’m struggling here... Oh wait, Kid Rock! (Seriously, who even is Kid Rock anymore? LOL). Whether they care about the world or not, they are making a statement. Even if it’s a statement supporting someone who seems more interested in destruction than building anything meaningful... but hey, whatever!
Why am I getting so worked up over this? I guess it’s frustrating to see influencers—whether celebrities or Instagram stars—talk about one issue, like the Iran hijab protests, and then go completely silent on everything else. They’ll speak out when it’s trendy or when it gains them followers, but when it’s something that could actually make a difference, crickets.
So, politics in America don’t matter to you? But your parents’ birthplace does? Interesting. I don’t get it. If you’ve been given a platform, use it. Don't just sit on the sidelines, worried about your follower count.
This is my personal view, and I understand if you disagree.
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